Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Why Men Should Wear Stockings Compression ??

Compression stockings are worn over the legs. They provide pressure and support that helps to maintain good circulation and reduce swelling. The socks also provide support for the muscles and tendons in the joints. Men often become aware of these garments because of an injury or medical problem. The reality is that there are many situations where men benefit from wearing compression stockings on a daily basis. People who have certain pre-existing medical conditions should consult a doctor before using the socks on a long-term basis to ensure that they don't interfere with other treatments or medications. Regular Inactivity A very common reason that men should consider wearing compression stockings is inactivity. Inactivity is several hours every day when the legs and feet are in a static position because of a job or travel. The inactivity causes the blood in the body to start to settle in the veins of the legs. This prevents the blood from traveling back to the heart to be resupplied with oxygen that is needed by the organs and tissue in the body. Months or years of daily inactivity could result in problems like varicose veins, painful swelling and other issues. Compression stockings help to prevent inactivity from having serious side effects by forcing the blood out of the legs and back into normal circulation. Circulatory Conditions Men who have certain types of conditions such as diabetes can find relief during the day by wearing compression stockings. Any condition that results in edema of the legs or other types of inflammation will respond to the increase in pressure. Fluids that are collecting in the veins or tissue in the leg will be forced upwards because of the garments. This reduces the actual swelling, improves circulation and allows the body to function normally. The compression stockings also keep the legs free from swelling when used every day. The garments should be only one part of a larger treatment plan for chronic conditions. Intense Exercise Men who are performing intense exercise or playing very demanding sports can benefit from compression stockings. Just as the garments improve circulation during periods of inactivity, they also improve blood flow during physical activities. The increased circulation keeps the muscles oxygenated and removes waste substances that could cause cramping or pain. This is useful for men who are biking or running for many hours at a time. Compression stockings are also useful during recovery. They help to reduce swelling and inflammation that occur in the muscles once the activity has stopped. The pressure reduces pain and allows the area to recover faster.


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