Wednesday, December 26, 2012

CoolSculpting Can Freeze Fat Away

Individuals who are troubled by stubborn fatty deposits may be frustrated by their figures. After months of eating lean and healthy foods and going to the gym three times a week, they still may have lumps and bumps on their physique. These individuals may be considering some of the new alternatives to dieting such as CoolSculpting. This is a unique approach to slimming bodies that freezes away the unsightly fat cells.
No one wants saddlebags, bulgy bellies, or thunder thighs. All human bodies are genetically inclined to come in certain shapes and sizes. Some gene pools tend to accumulate adipose tissue (fat) in certain regions. If you take a look at individuals within the same family bloodline, you'll see inherited traits such height, weight, all of the aforementioned figure flaws and more. A physical trait that some males have is female-like breasts on their manly chests. This can be caused by genetics, hormonal disorders, obesity or certain types of drugs, and it is an embarrassing problem to say the least. Luckily, CoolSculpting can eliminate these figure flaws and more.
This process was developed by a team of specialists from Harvard who patented the procedure before releasing it on a wide scale to the public. During a CoolSculpting session, a curved hand-piece is used to administer a treatment on the areas that need slimming. It is not painful and no incisions or anesthetic are required. Since no scalpels will be used, no scars will be left, which is a huge benefit over traditional surgical techniques! The beauty of this method is that it only freezes the fat cells. In some other techniques, other types of tissue and cells are damaged in the procedure, as well. This is not the case with this new method. After a treatment, the frozen cells will be released from the body over a period of weeks. What results is a slimmer physique: slender hips, lean bellies, slim thighs, and a manlier chest on those who previously suffered from gynecomastia. More than one appointment may be required to achieve the full effect. The number of sessions required will be determined during a consultation between doctor and patient.
The best candidates for this procedure are individuals who are close to their ideal body weight yet still have some trouble spots that they'd like to address. If a patient still needs to lose more than twenty-five or thirty pounds, he or she should drop the weight before scheduling an appointment for freezing the fat away. For men and women who still have bulges and fat pads on their hips, chests, thighs, or bellies even after rigorous exercise and following a nutritious, low calorie diet, CoolSculpting techniques may be their solution.


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