Have you ever woken up and decided that TODAY was the day to make a change in your life? Did you do well that particular day of your decision only to find that, the next day, life still looked the same so you abandoned your resolve? Unfortunately I have found this happen, time and time again, with my clients who make the decision to improve their health & fitness. I have discovered that, when all of the excuses are stripped away, there are 4 main fitness mistakes that people make in their initial decision. Making these mistakes will greatly decrease the chance of truly being successful and meeting your goals. Let's examine each of these because you may be making these choices unconsciously. As you read, I want you to be brutally honest with yourself.
Fitness Mistake #1. People are looking for a quick fix.
Yep, it's true. In today's "instant" society, people are still looking for that quick way to lose 10 lbs without working out or eating healthy. They want to simply pop a pill, take some drops, drink 2 artificial shakes per day, or put a body wrap on. I'm going to be straight with you.There isn't a quick, healthy fix to good fitness. You must put in the time and the sweat. Think about it. How long did it take you to get to the point where you are at today? I can take a pretty good guess that it wasn't overnight. Don't expect, in a healthy manner, to lose the excess weight or gain additional muscle in a week either. You are setting yourself up for failure with this mindset.
Check in: Is this YOU?
Fitness Mistake #2. People don't know where to start, so they just DON'T start.
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with life that you just sit in the middle of the floor in the midst of all the "stuff" because you don't know where to begin? I hear from so many folks who reach out wanting help but simply don't know where to begin. They feel paralyzed. After all, we are barraged daily with health & fitness options on the TV, in magazines, and in our community. It can be overwhelming especially when you've been down this path before unsuccessfully.
Check in: Is this YOU?
Fitness Mistake #3. People aren't willing to invest in themselves.
OK let's talk straight. I hear this excuse, and yes it IS an excuse, all the time. You may not like what I'm going to say, but I'm going to say it anyway because I feel obligated. Someone has to say it.You absolutely, without a doubt, CAN afford to take care of yourself. You CAN find the money needed for a fitness program. Unless you are on the streets, you DO have disposable money. Granted you may not realize it, but if you were completely honest and really looked at your finances, you would find it. Stop eating out for a month and use that money. Sell some of your old clothes that you no longer wear. Get rid of your cable for a few months. Replace a healthier meal option, such as Shakeology, and decrease your typical grocery bill.If you truly honestly want to find the money, you will. If you don't, you'll find a reason to not be willing to invest in yourself. It happens all the time.
Check in: Is this YOU?
Fitness Mistake #4. People try to go at it alone.
Often times people successfully maneuver around the first 3 landmines only to hit a roadblock here. We are proud people. Most of us don't like to ask or admit that we need help. Unfortunately this last mistake can make or break you. Support is incredibly important, yet often overlooked, piece of the fitness puzzle.To be on your journey while surrounded by people who won't let you fail is an incredible motivator when you've had a rough day and want to throw in the towel. Whether you team up with a friend or join a coaching group of some kind, stay engaged.
Check in: Is this YOU?
In short, I want you to meet your goals. I want to see you successful. I want you healthy, happy, and fit.I want to see you have the energy to keep up with your family and do the things that you want to do. I don't want to see you fall into the trap of any of these fitness mistakes and be derailed once again. It's time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Are you ready?
After all:
Fitness + Nutrition + Support = SUCCESS FOR LIFE
Give yourself a gift this holiday season. All wrapped up into one, give yourself the gift of fitness, nutrition, AND support by joining my Post-Holiday Challenge Group TODAY! Don't wait. We will be starting on January 2. You are worth it.
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