Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to Get The Most From Your Home Workouts

A recent study found that home workouts may do even more good than
workouts at a gym. This is good news for people who are time crunched
and find it's too much trouble to make it to a health club.

So how do you get the most from your home workouts? Follow these

1. Have A Plan. Know exactly what it is you want to accomplish and how
you intend to get there. Plan out the exercises and the amount of reps
and weight you will use. If time is a factor, make sure the volume of your
workout fits the alloted time. If you can only squeeze in 10-15 minutes,
then make the most of it. Use compound moves for the large muscle
groups. Use an exercise log and refer back to it. It's a great way to track
your progress.

2. Have What You Need. Make sure you have available any equipment
you intend to use and that you know how to use it. If you have never
used resistance tubes, then practice with them in advance so you get a
sense of the tension they provide. If you plan to use a stability ball, make
sure you have the right size for your height. See a chart here.

3. Know How to Do Things Right. Make sure you are familiar with the
exercises you plan to include in your home workout. Do some research
and completely understand any new exercises you intend to do. Form is
very important. Proper form will keep you from injuring yourself.

4. Mix Things Up. Don't stick with one workout for ever. Your body will
quickly adapt to any form of exercise if you stay with it for too long. Make
sure in your planning stage that you build in variety through new
exercises, a different exercise order, different rep scheme or try
supersets or a circuit.

5. Get Support. Work with a personal trainer to learn what you should do
and how you should do it. A recent study showed that people who
worked with a trainer worked harder and met their goals faster than
those who did not.

Just because you are doing a home workout does not mean that it can't
be as tough or tougher than people who travel to a gym. Once you know
where you are going and how you intend to get there, the rest is up to
you. Follow your plan, give it 100% effort, eat right, and you'll be on your
way to a fit body.

©Rick DeToma

You have permission to publish this article electronically, without
changes of any kind, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included,
and remain working hyperlinks. Please send a copy of the URL where
you have posted this article.

Rick DeToma is a fitness coach, and trainer who specializ

Life Walking: Don't Walk Just For Exercise - Change Your Life

"Life walking" is more than walking for exercise and fitness objectives. It's the larger ideal of using walking to change your life.

The objective for this New Year is simple: Get moving. Don't wait. Time is running out on your sedentary lifestyle. What can you do to make this year count for your weight loss goals - and your life walking? Two simple things at least:

One: If you're the type who is doing absolutely nothing right now, please start to do some walking regularly. Any walking at all contributes to physical activity - and well-being. If you're already modestly active, then do a little more every day and you'll feel great. You will lose weight but gain something else - a life walking!

Two: Walking is the numero uno activity you should focus on. Sure, there are millions of other choices for exercise, but we all know of people who are waiting till they find the "best exercise". How many of them are in fact wasting more time looking, rather than finding? That kind of ultra-perfectionism in choices leads nowhere.

If you're like the rest of us, the so-called "formal exercise" may not be part of your inclination or even your "must-do" agenda. But life walking can be. Remember, even if it's just to and from the front door, you are already a walker. You have been a walker since you took your first steps as a baby. All you have to do is more of it.

It's a strange fact that in 2005 we have to tell people to walk more. But humans have spent so many centuries reducing their need to walk, that it's now become necessary to tell people they have to "return to life walking".

The industrial age, the automobiles we have, the tele-commuting we now do, the dial-a-life we now ring for everything - and the zillion other similar "conveniences" we have added to our lives ... these have all now become the collective cause for the greatest "inconvenience" we can have hoped to have - disease!

Every passing year, technology encourages us in the life of a "Sit Where You Are And Be Served, Oh Master!" kind of existence we have built for ourselves.

Fine. Let's look at the bright side. We no longer have to walk for the conduct of our lives. We have to now walk for life!

I would like to stress that you should make walking a part of how you live every day, not make it an exercise project. It's not a chore. It's not an obligation either. It's not even something to consciously think about. It's become an imperative!

One year from now how actively would you be able to say you have lived life?

Say, you're downstairs ... and need something from upstairs: Would you yell for someone to get it for you, or would you be sure to bound upstairs and get it yourself without a second thought? Not because you have to, but because it feels good to move again - a long-forgotten skill and thrill revived.

When you actually start looking for chances to move, not ways to avoid it, you'll know you have come full circle. By then, your body will surely reflect this weight loss and dynamism too. Importantly, your life will also feel lighter.

"Movement is in your nature. Just put it in your routine." is what Mark Fenton says in his book "The Complete Guide to Walking".

I'd add: Instead of pursuing mere weight loss, remember there's a bigger revival crying for your attention - today, decide instead to regenerate the life walking!

Achieve More Of Your Potential

Some of you may have thought about this, most have not. Do you have an image in the back of your mind (or maybe closer to the front) that is you the way you want to be?

For some that image is clear, but for most it is hazy at best. For most people that image is obscured by distractions and clutter. If asked, most would say, "I think I know what I want to become... but I'm not sure." Even after you grow up and achieve some success, you still probably have a vague feeling that I could have been more, that I could be more. For the fortunate, they still have the thought that, "I can do more." But how could you have done more than you have, how can you still become more than you are? We all have room for improvement; how will you obtain that level?

If you think of a person you perceive that exemplifies success, whether it be an athlete, a movie star, a business leader, a spiritual leader, or a community leader, you can ask yourself, how did they get to where they are?

Most likely they had some innate talent, but it is also likely they had some help - a person who helped instruct them on being a better person, a person who encouraged them to pursue their dreams or to pursue their goals or to strive for excellence.

What if Tiger Woods had not been encouraged by his parents? Where would Tiger be today? He would not likely have had the opportunity to actualize his potential. He would not have been discovered, his natural talent might have gone unnoticed, undeveloped. He would not have received the coaching, training, tutoring, or financial support that he did. Much time and money have been invested in making Tiger who he is? How many Tigers are there out there that have not gotten the right coaching to help them obtain their potential?

What was your potential? Where would you be if you had received optimal support and coaching? You could have been a Tiger in that area in which you have talent. You likely have received some of what you needed, but probably not enough to achieve your potential. You did what you could with a little help, you worked to use what resources you had available to you; you used your natural talent and the nurturing you got.

What is your potential now, given your talents and where you are at this point in your life? What can you do to move forward, to get to the next level, to achieve your potential?

Now that you are here in this position in life, are you getting the coaching that you need? Are you actualizing the potential you have? What would it take for you to get to the next level? You will never have more natural talent than you have now. What is needed to make the most of your resources now to move you forward? Do you have a clear picture of what you can become? How can you gain clarity regarding what you can be and how you will achieve more of your potential?

If you seek opportunities, you can achieve more than you have so far; many things can help. To be a success to the level of a Tiger Woods, you would have to start early and get an enormous amount of help. But you can be a success in your own way starting from where you are now. Every day presents opportunities to grow. Life's challenges test us and were grow from that. If in addition to those challenges, we can learn from more structured methods. More structure can be obtained in a variety of ways, such as going to meetings, reading books, and listening to advice. Another method by which to achieve success and reach your potential is through mentoring. Find someone to mentor you in the areas in which you seek growth.

The process should include some basics:

Values - Most of us can make a quick list of things that are important to us, but a more structured assessment and discussion will probably reveal some surprises and facilitate clarity.
Goals - The more specific your goals and the more consistent they are with your values, the more satisfied you will be with your efforts.
Action - Your actions will be most effective if they are planned, consistent, and on target with your goals.
Life Coaching can be for you, what all those resources have been for Tiger. Life Coaching is a structured methodology for helping people to obtain their potential. You may not reach some pinnacle of success, but a life coach can help you develop a sharper image of who you want to be, and help you create the path to that success. Whether your goals are financial, physical, social, or spiritual; you can become whatever it is that defines success for you by actualize your potential.

How To Find a Good Counselor or Therapist

Let's be honest with ourselves, if we all knew how to learn or access the skill sets required to overcome our challenges and create the lives that we dream of, we would all be skinny, rich, and happy!

It takes a great deal of courage and effort to even consider hiring a therapist, counselor, or coach. To do so represents a profound investment in you. Perhaps it is because you are struggling with some of life's challenges; relationship difficulties, career changes, depression, marriage problems, stress, anxiety attacks or panic attacks, or are simply ready to create a life which you are proud. Perhaps you finally asked yourself, "What kind of legacy in my leaving in this world for my friends and family?" Maybe you are in a relationship in considering marriage or long-term commitment and want to learn practical skills to help ensure your long-term success.

The goal of a good therapist is to help create a plan with you to overcome your challenges and make the changes in your life that you wish to achieve.

There are thousands of therapists and counselors available to you who are trained in numerous specialties and therapeutic approaches. Many, if not most of these therapists and counselors are highly trained in specialized fields and in specialized therapeutic approaches. There are psychotherapists, narrative therapist, cognitive behavioral therapist, energy therapist, spiritual therapist, and they may specialize in various areas such as relationships, sex and sexuality, career, depression and anxiety, or a multitude of specialties.

The problem, as I see it, is that with so many therapists and so many therapeutic options, how does one find the right fit without investing a great deal of time and money?

It's a bit of a catch 22 for someone who is newly reaching out for help. After all, if you had great clarity as to your problem, how it has come to be, and how you, and your unique experience, can overcome this problem, you would probably not need a therapist! Sometimes a fish does not know it is swimming in water!

The most effective solution to finding a good therapist is to look for an individual who has a great breadth and depth of life and therapeutic experience. Look for referrals to your friends, workplace, school, and do your own research on the internet. Many therapists and counselors have their own website which provides information about their experience and how they may be able to work with you.

You and your experience our unique. There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach for everyone.

Much like going to the doctor, first you go to a general or family practice doctor, not to a specialist. Begin your work with the therapist or counselor who has a broad base of experience and multiple therapeutic tools which they can use with you to create a helpful plan to move forward. If you have an acute psychiatric problem or challenge, your therapist will refer you to a specialist.

Consider how much time and money you are prepared to invest in this project called "you." I would suggest it is perhaps one of most profound and important undertakings you have ever embarked upon. That said, there is no reason that you should not be prudent and efficient in your approach and investment.

Be prepared to invest in an initial consultation with a therapist or counselor who you feel may be a good fit. Most therapists and counselors will provide you with a short telephone conversation or Skype conversation which will allow you to get a "feel" for how comfortable you may be working with them. If the initial conversation goes well book a one or two hour initial session.

Do your best to arrive at this initial session relaxed and prepared to be open and honest. Remember, your therapist is there to help you, and should hold no judgment as to the situation or challenges that you are facing. Their job is to listen to you, and work with you to create a plan to move forward. During the session make certain that you ask questions about how they may want to approach your therapy, and listen carefully to their answer. Your therapist should be open to a multitude of options.

There should be times during your session in which you feel not only comfortable and cared for, but times when you feel challenged and questioned. Depending on how ready you are to face your issues, and how prepared you are to do what might be considered the "tough work" there will be times when you will be a bit uncomfortable. A good therapist will be prepared to give you a small or big push in order to help you fly!

The most unique and perhaps even magical thing about a therapeutic relationship is that this is the one person in the world to whom you should be able to be completely honest, and share your most fun, crazy, scary and intimate thoughts with, having no fear of judgment or reprisal. In almost every other relationship in our lives there stands both potential costs and rewards when we share a piece of ourselves with another. In the best therapeutic relationship there only stands to be rewards. Personally I think this opportunity is nothing less than magic!

If you are fortunate enough to make such a connection in a first session, and believe that the therapist or counselor is someone with whom you could build that type of relationship, then this is the time and place to make a commitment. Ask the therapist about their rates. Will your therapist reward your willingness to an extended commitment by providing a discount for the prepayment of multiple sessions? What form of payment do they take, and if you are in serious financial need, do they have a sliding scale? Book your next appointment, and consider yourself blessed to have found someone who can support you in your life journey.

Todd Kaufman provides counselling and therapy in Toronto and via SKYPE. He uses a broad range of therapeutic techniques and approaches unique for each client that are designed to provide powerful, effective and expedient ways to overcome challenges and create the life you desire.

5 Common Types of Anxiety Disorder

A lot of people suffer from various psychological conditions one of which is anxiety. In fact, we all experience it one way or another. It's just a matter of how you deal with certain emotions and feelings. Feeling tensed, uncertain or fearful at the idea of taking an exam, attending a job interview or going on your first day at work is natural. After some time, the anxiety would normally go away.

But if these feelings of nervousness, apprehension, worry and fear overwhelm you, they can create a negative effect in the way you behave and think.The following are among the most common types of anxiety disorders:

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a mental condition that results to extreme, uncontrollable anxiety and worry about everyday things and functions. People who suffer from this anxiety disorder would often feel afraid and worried about money, health, work, family, relationships, etc. They find it difficult to identify the specific object that they are worried about.

Their fear is typically unreasonable and out of proportion to the actual source of worry. They expect that something will always go wrong to the extent that it will interfere with their daily functions.

2. Panic Disorder is a condition characterized by sudden attacks of extreme terror and apprehension that results to dizziness, shaking, confusion, nausea and breathing problems. This type of anxiety usually occurs abruptly and peaks after the next ten minutes. The attack can last for hours.

This disorder may cause a person to be intensely aware of the changes that occur in his normal body functions and may translate them as an incurable or terminal condition. This mental behavior is called hyper-vigilance and usually leads to health anxiety.

3. Phobia is a type of irrational fear of an object or situation. A person suffering from a certain type of phobia ultimately avoids or commits to great lengths just to prevent a typically irrational and out of proportion danger at hand.

4. Social Anxiety Disorder is a form of social phobia that gives a sufferer an intense fear of certain social situations that may lead to public embarrassment or humiliation and being negatively judged by other people. A person with this anxiety disorder usually has stage freight and fear of humiliation.

5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a kind of anxiety that is usually caused by psychological trauma. Such trauma usually involves life threatening experiences or a threat to one's own or somebody else's sexual, physical or psychological integrity. These experiences include but are not limited to military combat, hostage situation, serious accident or rape.

A PTSD attack leads to the feeling of re-experiencing the original traumatic event through constant nightmares, flashbacks and behavioral changes to avoid certain stimuli associated with that event.

3 Things to Look Out For In a Mental Health Therapist

A good mental health therapist seeks to improve the state of mind of individuals and help them overcome things that bar them from learning and growing. People, who are psychological stable, are well emotionally and behaviorally. They are said to be mentally healthy. This means that a mental health therapist would be interested in solving problems related to emotional well-being, behavioral health and psychological stability in order to improve the stability of the state of mind. In order to select a good mental health therapist, one should consider the following things:

Existence of license: Anyone considering hiring a mental health therapist must ensure that they are licensed in the areas which they practice. In other words, therapists must have an authorization certificate, because it proves their professionalism and qualifications. It is important to consider that state departments do not offer these certificates and licenses until they are satisfied of the qualifications of the therapist. To say less, a good mental health therapist must be a professional counselor or a psychological therapist. At the beginning of therapy the practitioner must identify and establish treatment goals in the treatment program, in addition to having a treatment program.

Therapists should ensure that they achieve treatment goals according to the goals set in the treatment program. In addition, for every end of treatment phase, there should be a way of assessing whether the treatment goals are achieved. Thus, goals must be clear and attainable. Assisting the clients: The work of the therapist should be assisting clients express what problem they have and not criticize the patient. Therapist must view the problem in different ways. They should give victims "homework assignments" between treatment sessions. They must suggest new ways of solving problems and directing how their patients should interact with other people. Use excellent skills: Therapists must identify when it is necessary to challenge patients and push into the patients' solutions. On their side, patients must see the necessity of being pushed to adopt solutions.

The therapist must advocate honesty among patients, and encourage them to open up and express their needs, worries, desires and expectations about treatments. It is important that they must lead patients to show them why they must attend appointments in time and observe the schedules. He should adverse on the necessary foods and diets, what to eat and what to avoid. He is also responsible for advising or not advising the patient about consuming alcohol, illegal substances and unauthorized chemicals.

He/she should give additional information: Therapists must be aware of and plan for emergency occurrences. In this case, it is important to come up with necessary emergency intervention strategies to handle those possible/potential emergencies when they occur. They must identify when medicine intake is advised or when patients must stop taking medicines and see psychiatrists or do both. Patients must be taught how they can manage mental disturbances and stress.

A good mental health therapist should also assure the patient security for information they collect from him/her. The information must not be taken by illegal/unauthorized hands. This includes close family members who may be interested in seeing or accessing patient information without written permission. Accessing of information is accepted for people/family members when patients are under 18 years and dependent. Guardians can also access the information in case the patients are underage. A person may expose patient's personal information about their health status and progress in mental health following legal guidelines.

The Different Components of Your Brain

Whatever the reason you came here, when I talk about components, I mostly mean literal, physical parts of your brain. Because if I wanted to talk about everything your brain can do for you, every ability and capability, every single function, it would take me years and years.

Long introduction short, your brain has 6 'pieces', all housed inside of 2 hemispheres (2 two halves of the cerebrum), which are connected by the corpus callosum (the great band of fibers uniting the two halves of the cerebrum).

If we'd look inside your head, we would firstly find the 4 lobes located in the brain cortex (which contains the cerebrum, or so called 'big brains'):

- Temporal Lobes:

Location: the left and right side of your head at the front of your head

Function: hearing, coordination of data, language

What happens when they are damaged?

Your long-term memory will deteriorate, you'll have less language ability and language comprehension

- Frontal Lobe: [1]

Location: The front of your head

Function: feelings, personality, judging, taking (wise) decisions (ratio)

What happens when they are damaged?

You'll have no empathy for anything (superficial personality), concentration and memory problems

- Parietal Lobes:

Location: The top of your head

Function: processing sensory input into action, understanding of maths and logic

What happens when they are damaged?

You're ability of thinking in series and logic decision making will deteriorate

- Occipital Lobes:

Location: left and right side of your head in the back of your head

Function: visual memory

What happens when they are damaged?

Quite obviously: no visual memory, only linguistic memory

After these 4 important lobes we're left with two spots in your brain, containing the:

- Limbic System: [2]

Location: the middle of your head

Function: emotion and memory

What happens when they are damaged?

You can't relate to anything or anyone, memorizing things will be much more difficult (because you can't relate or attach emotion to certain events), you become emotionless

- Cerebellum (small brains) [3]

Location: underneath the big brains

Function: motor memory

What happens when they are damaged?

You can't learn (and/or remember) movements (reflexes however, do not need the brain (that's why they are called reflexes and you do them unconsciously), so those are still executed)

As you see, I added an [1], [2] or [3] to certain parts of your brain, and that's because I will now tell you more about this specific part.

Let us first discuss the Frontal Lobe. What's so special about this lobe? Because it is the reason puberty happens. When we're teenagers, every part of our brain is nearing the end of development, but our frontal lobe just still has an huge leap to go. That's why young people take so much risks, why they always disagree with their parents, have huge mood swings, they do not see the consequences of actions or reasons they should do those actions (remember, the front lobe controls personality, feelings, judging, taking decisions, etc.).

Next is the Limbic System. We told you it controls emotion and memory, and that is true, but not in the way you might expect it to. Memory is not stored in one place in the brain, memory is stored in the place it belongs to (for example, your memory of a song is stored in your auditory part of the brain).

So if memory is stored in all parts of the brain, why (or how) does the Limbic System control memory then? Because it sorts all the input you get every second of your live and determines what's important and what not. Because while your living you get signals and signals and signals and signals all the time, and if you wanted to memorize and consciously experience them all, you'd become crazy. Therefore you need something to categorize all the sensory input, and that you find in 'emotion'.

Ask yourself: What do you remember better? The moment someone told you that you were a really good friend to him or her, or a certain mathematics class for example? The first one, obviously (or you're really really into mathematics). And that's because there's emotion involved, it's important for your social life, you can relate to it.

Your first kiss or a movie you've seen 10 times?

Your friend crying or a subject you've been studying all day?

A beautiful song or what you've eaten yesterday evening?

The emotional load you attach to something determines how well and if we put it into memory.

And last but not least about the Cerebellum. All I wanted to say is that this is the place you really train when you practice sports, and this is also the place you for example have stored how to ride a bicycle. And to explain where your brain stores your memory even more: motor memory of course also is memory, and it is stored in the part of your brain that controls your movements!

The Value of Psychotherapy

have recently set up a new practice as a Psychotherapist which led to a discussion with my partner in the practice as to our fees. This in turn led to thoughts about how to value our work.

My partner had listened to webinar on marketing that had discussed different types of customers and the importance of targeting one's business to a particular type of client. After this we decided that we were not targeting the budget segment but were most interested in the quality segment. The webinar was a marketing exercise for a marketing workshop that I subsequently attended.

At this marketing workshop there was a section on valuing your work. As someone who grew up in a country that had universal health care I had certain beliefs about paying for health services. In my current country (Australia) there were for many years many health services with no fees. These were reinforced when I worked in a public hospital associated clinic where most services were provided without fee. Moving into private practice involved challenging my beliefs.

The workshop presenter suggested that most psychologists do not value their services very highly. My thoughts are that for me this was due to these types of formative influences and my own issues around self esteem and self sacrifice.

I follow the Schema Therapy model where there are two 'schemas' associated with self esteem, defectiveness and failure. Defectiveness operates at more of an unconscious level whereas people tend to be very aware of their beliefs that they are a failure. I think both of these are a challenge for me and although I have considerable insight into them they still have considerable influence on my feelings and behaviour.

Most people in caring professions have a pattern of self sacrifice where they place their needs secondary to their clients. In order to be able to care for others one needs to take care of oneself. If I am tired I do not provide quality therapy.

There was some discussion in the workshop of personal factors such as self esteem and self sacrifice and then another exercise. The exercise consisted of thinking about a client with a specific issue and imaging being that client and what their answer would be to "How much would you pay to make this problem go away?" There was discussion of the costs to the client of the problem and then the costs to others in that person's life including their employer or business. A day off work can be critical to some businesses and therefore quite expensive when missed.

Everyone in the workshop then worked out a value per session by taking the total of the client's costs and dividing by the usual number of sessions it would take to treat that problem. For everyone in the room it was many multiples of their current hourly rate. In my case it was over $1,000 per hour of value compared to my usual $175 fee.

The aim and the outcome of this discussion and the exercise was that there is a lot more value to psychotherapy than most psychologists attribute to it. My partner and I have set charges in our practice at just below the recommended hourly rate recommended by our professional organisation. The main support for doing so was to affirm belief in our abilities and the value of the work that we do.

Your Brain Is Hardwired For Truth

False signals, sooner or later, develop into chaos. Lack of any communication is more trust worthy than miscommunication. False signals make it so you do not know where you are going and that is where you are likely to end up.

Your neurons are HARD WIRED for Truth, and Truth is what holds all things together. A few years ago I wrote these words: Total Truth gives no false signals. The flow of even the slightest false witness gives the wrong signal and initiates the flow of wrong energy and matter. Opinions do not count as Truth. Because nothing is as it appears, what you perceive as reality is in fact, at least in part, an illusion. Untruth is an illusion paralleled with deception.

The main function between components and systems is to flow Truth (no false signals), energy, and matter needed by the other components and systems.

The mind is a wonderful thing to not waste. When your brain believes wrong is right, it will sincerely make the wrong choice. I call that negative faith operating on false data. A hypochondriac may develop an illness in an otherwise healthy body. The brain obeys the constant signals of welcoming illness because it becomes convinced that the signal is Truth. Not only is the single hypochondriac affected by this hidden lie, but others as well, including the family, friends, and community. Any untruth almost always affects many people.

Researchers in brain function at the California Institute of Technology have discovered the region of the brain where struggles with emotion takes place. This published university research helps substantiate that, indeed, Your neurons are HARD WIRED for Truth. The researchers used the fairness, struggles with emotion to find equitable solutions. They pinpointed the region of the brain where this concept of fairness is processed, the insular cortex, or insula, which is also the seat of emotional reactions.

"The fact that the brain has such a robust response to unfairness suggests that sensing unfairness is a basic evolved capacity," notes Steven Quartz, an associate professor of philosophy at Caltech and author of the study.

We have developed a pathway to improve brain function with Smart Sugars that are the building blocks for the Operating System (OS) of the brain and every cell of your body. Communication between cells is the responsibility of the Smart Sugars. However, the choice of morality, the choice of Truth is left up to the individual. Truth is hardwired into the brain. Should you go against Truth, your whole body knows and responds with a compounding stress level. Stress causes aging and the need to improve the immune system. Again, this is what Smart Sugars do.

Loneliness and Dementia

Elderly folk that experience loneliness tend to be more at risk of developing dementia later on in life, a group of researchers is now saying. The study was published online and looks at feelings of loneliness as opposed to being physically isolated. The researchers found that:

About 2,000 senior citizens free from dementia were tracked over the course of three years. At the end of the three year study, the mental health of all participants was evaluated. Several survey questions were asked to help track mood and mental health changes. At the end of the questions, a formal dementia test was administered in order to get as accurate of a picture as possible.

The researchers here wanted to track depression, dementia, and unusually high death rates amongst senior citizens. Their findings were quite surprising. One in ten of the elderly folk that lived alone developed some form of dementia. Compare this to the one in twenty that developed dementia when living with other people. This means that people that lived alone were about twice as likely to get dementia. Feelings of loneliness exacerbated this. People who felt lonely were about twice more likely to get dementia than people who were not lonely-regardless of the living situation they found themselves in.

The living conditions or the social support systems didn't seem to have as significant of an impact as the actual mood behind everything. If someone felt lonely, they were more apt to develop dementia regardless of where they lived, whether they were married, or who they lived with. The feelings behind everything were what mattered the most.

The big thing that seems to be implied here, if these researchers are correct, is that loneliness might be able to be alleviated, and thus some cases of dementia might be prevented. There is no hard evidence to support this implication yet, but this is a serious question that absolutely needs to be addressed within future research studies.

Can assisted living help solve this problem? The answer isn't quite as easy as yes or no. If the feelings of loneliness can be erased in such a setting, perhaps some instances of dementia can be avoided. But if the person still feels alone, regardless of whether or not they are around people that like them and care about them, even being in an assisted living facility will not be of any help, this study seems to say. Still, with assisted living, the chances of decreasing the amount loneliness experienced are much better. If someone lives alone and is lonely, moving into assisted living probably won't hurt them, and it makes the odds of erasing loneliness just a little bit better. This is something that definitely needs to be considered

A Few Words on Exercise

This week I would like to talk about exercise. For the most part the word exercise appears to be a foreign word lately. I started exercising when I was 13, and I haven't stopped since. At the gym each day I see a myriad of individuals trying to stay fit, but in reality this is only a small minority of the population at large. Our society has now become so obtuse in their habits that getting an extra fifteen minutes of sleep trumps an exercise regimen.

I hear excuses in my office all day long, from "I have kids", to "my job doesn't allow me the time", and on and on. I have yet to hear a reason that is not merely an excuse to not have to exercise. Quite simply, these excuses are in reality a way of stating that exercise is just not a priority.

The simple truth is that by not getting needed exercise, in effect, you are pretty much agreeing to a shorter life expectancy, which by the way, is predicted to be shorter for the first time in history with the upcoming generation associated with diabetes, hypertension and all of the syndromes associated with lethargy and poor eating habits. Humans were not put on this earth to sit and watch television and eat yodels.

Genetically and historically, we essentially were out chasing food, or being chased as food. Because of technology, it is now quite easy to not have to move much during the day, and even easier to eat pre-made stuff full of preservatives and chemicals with no real nutritional value whatsoever. If you have already lost your health because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise, you should probably discuss any upcoming exercise plans with your doctor first. However, if you still have your health, doing anything is better than doing nothing. And the more fit you are, the higher the intensity should be your exercise.

As an example of light exercise, when going to the market, rather than driving around stalking that close parking space, take a far one and walk. If you are able, jogging in place for several minutes is great exercise. Doing so in say 8 intervals of 20s of jogging with 10s of rest is extraordinary. Just three days per week of this would actually change your health as well as your body. If you do the math, that is 4 minutes, three days per week. Can you still honestly say that you do not have the time? Not if you are truly honest. For those interested in maximizing their fitness regimens, I have already published several articles on that topic which are readily available, (search word: HIIT), on the fitness page and in the articles section of my website.

Dr. Scopelliti is a Fellow of the American College of Functional Neurology and also a Fellow

Get a Toned Stomach Quickly And Easily With These Tips

By way of your eating habits to your career, just about any facet of your way of life influences your degree of fitness. Keeping fit is one of several secrets of living a lengthy and healthy life. Many individuals feel that the only real method to get a tone stomach would be to adhere to a demanding exercise routine and eat infrequently. Nonetheless, as this article will explain to you, one can find limitless methods for getting the physical exercise you need while still having a sinful indulgence every so often.

Working On The Core:

If you are working on your abs with crunches, leg raises and other exercises that round your back, make sure you complement them with lower back exercises. Targeting your abs without also working out your back can lead to lower back pain and poor posture so make sure to target both areas equally.

Use a combination of upper ab exercises and lower ab exercises to work out your entire core. Sit-ups and crunches can lead to better upper abs, but ignore the lower abs. However, there are many other exercises that work out these areas, such as planking and leg lifts. A combination of the two can lead to a more well-rounded individual.

Goal Setting and Tracking:

Be realistic about the goals that you set for yourself. If you set a goal that there is no way to actually accomplish, you will find yourself feeling downhearted and discouraged about keeping up with the fitness and diet plan that you have started. You will quit altogether and be stuck where you are for a long time.

Take a picture of yourself as you progress with your work out. Looking back at your former body with a fond sort of disbelief can be helpful to some people. If you need to push yourself to keep going forward, you should look backwards and see what you've been trying to prevent. Through good diet and proper exercise you should be able to see a nice change between monthly pictures.

Some people try to exercise their abs every day. This can actually be counterproductive. Abs need rest too! Because of this, allow approximately 2 or 3 days for your abs to rest after a hard ab workout.

Get support in your workouts:

Having a peer or friend to train with you will also be a big help. Not only will this keep you accountable to each other, but a little friendly competition will help push you further. Not only will working out together help but also make your meal plans and diet goals together too. Diet is the easiest thing to lose track of and is also the most important factor in your stomach toning success second only to the workout itself.

You can follow all of these simple words and notice an increase in the way you look and feel in no time. Fitness is not to be taken lightly and by maintaining a proper routine you will steadily increase your body's physical and mental fortitude. No matter how big or little the change will be, you can accomplish that toned stomach.

A Quick Review of The Bodyweight Burn System

If you want to lose weight, but don't have the time to make it to the gym, then Ryan Murdoch and Adam Steer's new home training and diet plan, called Bodyweight Burn, may be perfect for you.

The plan offers people a chance to lose 21 pounds of fat in just 12 weeks' time, all while doing just 21-minute a day body-weight only workouts.

No gym equipment is necessary, but an exercise mat is highly recommended as it will be more comfortable for doing some of the floor exercises on. Additionally, you will need to have an exercise or resistance band for the arm and back exercises.

While the workouts are quick, they are very powerful. The majority consists of high intensity interval style training with very little rest periods (called afterburner workouts).

If you're not familiar with doing intervals, you will most certainly be after this program. Basically, interval training consists of doing certain exercises at a very high intensity, followed by a period of rest or recovery. The intensity and rest time can vary, but generally there is a consistent pattern with each workout.

For example, one of the Bodyweight Burn workouts follows an 8:12 protocol or 8 seconds of maximum intensity followed by 12 seconds of rest. Therefore, even though the total workout time is only 21 minutes, you really push yourself a lot in that time.

There are also workouts dedicated to muscle building (called metabolic-muscle) and less intensive ones for muscle recovery (called cardioflow). They all are designed, however, to get the most out of you in a short period of time.

Along with the three types of workouts, there are also strategically paired "diet days" that are meant for maximizing fat loss. There are 5 specific days: Low Carb, Moderate Carb, Good Carb, Back Load, and 24 Hour Fast.

For low and moderate carb days, you will have three meals a day and two small snacks. The portions are visually based, so there's no need to count calories, but the meal size will probably be less than you are used to. You are allowed to eat lots of vegetables, though.

For good carb days, you are allowed to eat a little bit more, but are advised not to fill yourself and to stay away from refined carbs.

Back load days are days when you will consume your carbohydrates late in the day, after you have had your workout. There are no portion controls on these days, but again, you are advised not to stuff yourself.

The 24 hour fast days will be the most difficult days to power through, especially if you have never fasted before. For these days, you may substitute them for low carb days, but if you want to follow the diet exactly, then you will not be able to eat anything for 24 hours. The only thing you are permitted to consume is water and other non-caloric beverages.

Overall, the Bodyweight Burn program is a complete diet and exercise system that works together to build lean muscle and burn fat. The plan is perfect for anyone looking for an effective way to lose weight that doesn't require a lot of exercise time.

The fast days may be challenging and take some getting used to, but if you can stay on course, there is no doubt that you can see great results.

Lose Belly Fat Forever

Losing belly fat naturally is something that everyone desires but just don't know how to because of all the hype and influential infomercials that promise you instant results. Although stomach fat is the most difficult body fat to lose, it is not impossible to lose it permanently and get six pack abs. The great news is that you don't have to starve yourself, take countless supplements, and undergo dangerous surgery or do millions of sit-ups. Here are some natural but surefire ways to lose that belly fat once and for all.

Weight Training

Weight lifting will help boost fat loss, build muscle and prevent muscle loss. Performing resistance training exercises that focus on large muscle groups will burn the most calories.

Eat More Calories

Not eating enough calories will slow down your body's metabolism and you will retain more fat than if you were to eat the right amount of calories. Eating too few calories will also cause you to lose muscle, not fat, for energy, making you skinny and fat. Always remember that calories are energy and not eating enough will reduce your energy stores, which means having a hard time getting through the day or getting a good workout in.

Do Cardio and Stop Doing Crunches

Performing 15 to 45 minutes of physical activity or intense cardio workouts three times a week will help you decrease overall body fat and burn more calories. Doing tons of crunches or other types of ab exercises will build abdominal muscles, but it won't help burn belly fat. Sadly, you can't reduce the amount of fat in one particular area of your body. You have to lose fat overall through you whole body to reduce your waistline through cardio.

Eat Healthy

Working out hard will strengthen your abs, but if you don't eat right, you will always have a layer of belly fat on top of those muscles. Eliminate processed foods from your diet plan and start eating whole foods such as protein, veggies, fruits, healthy fats and carbs. Make sure you eat breakfast each morning and eat small meals every three hours to keep your metabolism going. It's helpful to eat carbs right after your workouts and drink two cups of water with every meal.

Eat More Protein

Your body burns off more energy processing proteins than it does processing carbs or fat. If you wish to burn fat you must take in protein. You should always get your protein from a quality source such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and whey protein; not a burger from McDonalds or a sausage pizza from Pizza Hut.


Developing a clear-cut plan and tracking your weight loss progress is about the best way to stay motivated. I understand it can be difficult when you don't see drastic results right away but success doesn't happen overnight. You must stay dedicated and work hard each day to achieve great results. You can start off by jogging or walking with a partner and making small changes to your diet. Make sure you track your body measurements and check the scales to see if your plan is effective. Since boxing is my favorite sport and provides me with a great workout I get the best of both worlds. Find a cardio activity you love to do and have fun while doing it to stay motivated. It may take some time to get the results you desire but the outcome will be permanent if you continue to work at it and stay committed. Start today on your belly fat loss efforts and gain the six pack abs you always dreamed of!

The Symptoms Of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer affects more people than any other cancer. There are numerous types of skin cancer, but spotting it early is challenging because the signs can be vague. If caught early enough, skin cancer can be cured. Although it will often appear again on an affected individual, he will at least know that he is susceptible and keep a close eye on his skin, as will his doctor.

What many people find difficult is identifying a mole or lesion, which is the start of cancer. Take melanoma symptoms for instance. A mole or freckle could evolve into a malignant marker over time, but when you see a mark on your body every day, it is easy to overlook gradual changes. Moles also appear in many hard-to-see places like the back of the neck, shoulders, and back.

Worse still is the fact that sometimes a cancerous spot will not look like anything described by dermatologists. What causes concern could be an itch or bleeding, not the shape or size of a mole.

It is possible to lose the battle against skin cancer when it is a melanoma, although with many forms, the worst prognosis is that eradicating it will probably leave a lot of scar tissue. This is hard enough when you are an adult, but imagine a child going through the process of identifying and treating skin cancer. It does strike kids, and a service such as mole mapping can be done on them as well. Even if your child is still young, his moles should be observed regularly for all of the same signs you look for on your own body.

What are these signs? Generally, with melanoma, a mole or freckle will change shape or grow. The shape could become unidentifiable (not an oval or a circle). The edges might be indistinct. Colors of these moles vary from dark brown to mottled grey, brown, white, and pink.

One of the most common forms of skin cancer is Basal Cell Carcinoma. Although it will not spread to other parts of the body it can grow inwards, so surgeons will have to dig deep to remove it. This one starts as a pink lump.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma tends to form around the face. It becomes scaly or ulcerated, even crusty. This one can spread. So long as you know what you are looking for, it is very possible to spot skin cancer before it grows or spreads. If you have any doubts, always speak to your doctor rather than trying to ignore an unusual looking mark.

Skin Cancer What u need to know ??

Every year, millions of people expose their bare skins to sunlight in order to get a beautiful tan. However, exposure to ultraviolet rays also increases the risk of developing skin cancer. In fact, according to statistics published by the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the leading form of cancer in the US. In addition, cases of melanoma in young women have increased by 800% since 1970. Meanwhile, for young men, the increase is 400% during the same period. People who use tanning beds also increase the risk of developing melanoma. As such, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies tanning devices under cancer causing agents.

Melanoma Overview

This type of cancer forms in the cells of the skin that produce color (melanocytes). When you expose your skin to ultraviolet rays, the mentioned cells essentially make more pigment. As a result, your skin darkens or tans. Melanoma can develop on any part of the body. However, it usually tends to form on the legs and arms. In some cases, melanoma can also form in your eye tissues (intraocular melanoma). Risk factors for developing melanoma include:

• Exposure to natural or artificial ultraviolet rays (accounts for 80 percent of all melanomas).

• Age (tends to affect older people).

• Ethnicity (more prevalent in Caucasians).

• History of sunburns.

• Family history of developing moles.

Melanoma Symptoms

You should always check your skin for any abnormal growth, as well as the appearance of moles. By using the ABCDE rule (A stands for asymmetry, B for border irregularity, C for color, D for diameter, and E for Evolution), you should be able to spot and evaluate nearly every unusual change on your skin. Some of the early warning signs that should raise a red flag include changes in skin consistency, elevation, sensation, and surface texture. If you do not detect the early signs, late symptoms may include painful lesions, bleeding moles, or gray skin.

Diagnosis and Treatment

If you have any of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a qualified doctor as soon as possible. The doctor is likely to conduct a physical examination of the skin and take skin samples to run additional tests. In addition, total body photography may also be necessary. If the tests are positive for melanoma, treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. After treatment, you should see your doctor regularly for checkups and evaluation of your recovery.

There are several types of skin cancer. For melanoma, the symptoms include skin moles larger than 6mm, change in skin color, change in the size or shape of a mole, as well as irregular skin growth. With that in mind, you should see a doctor if you exhibit any of the mentioned symptoms.

Skin Care For Sun Protection

It is important that you do not let protection from the sun become something that you dread. This article will teach you on how to take advantage of skin boosting antioxidants, oral supplements, as well as easy-on-the-go products to protect your skin. Find out how to maximize your sunscreen's helpfulness and also learn why sun-protective clothing may actually make your entire life a little easier. Getting such important information on skin care would definitely help you stay younger and healthier.

Double Up On Sun Protection

It is time to start thinking about protecting skin from the inside out. It is recommended to get supplements that are the best way to get your everyday SPF a boost; capsules containing a powerful component called "polypodium leucotomos" -a fern extract. Such product reduces skin damage, fights what are known as "free radicals" and helps with issues like redness of skin due to overexposure to sun. Oral supplements are also a great choice if you are going on a sunny vacation or a trip camping where you will be in the sun a lot for the majority of the day; don't forget to wear your sunscreen as well.


For an everyday option that is cheaper, it is recommended to take 1,000 milligrams of a vitamin C supplements, as it boosts the immune system and will help with your skin care.

If you are diligent about applying that SPF 70 every morning, you are set for the day, are you? Well, actually even the highest SPF products need to be reapplied during the day, particularly if you are outdoors all day playing games, swimming or only lounging by the pool. Fortunately, there are plenty of choices for this type of protection on the go. There are several spray ons that are SPF 70; but a lotion-based SPF is the best to use for that very first application.

Options also comprise Towelettes that are great for the kids for sun protection touch ups on the face. Also try using mineral makeup with SPF 30.

Often, better skin care sun protection is not a matter of expensive products or reapplying 5 times every day - many individuals do not get the total benefits from their SPF products since they do not use them the right way.

Use the Sunscreen Correctly

Apply sunscreen prior to going outside; don't skimp on the sunscreen and also show your fashion sense by using clothing that will protect you from the sun. CDC recommends shirts that are loose fitting and long sleeved, and pants that are long and have tightly woven fabric.

Also keep in mind that you may still get burnt if you are out all day - this is according to the CDC, as T-shirt only has an SPF of 15. If you will be out longer regularly, spend money to get clothing that has Ultraviolet Protection Factor rating. You can check your local outdoors store or look online.

After reading all this, skin care by shielding the skin from sun this season should not be a headache or even a hassle. Topical antioxidants, oral supplements and sun-protective clothing are all good ways to make sure your skin is protected from the sun and boost your sunscreen's effectiveness. Always remember that the key is not in the product you buy or the money you spend, but it is being smarter about skin care and sun safety; so take the time to learn the best ways to actually use the sunscreen for skin care.

The sun will destroy your skin if you don't use sun protection and good skin care. Make sure to learn more about how to protect your skin for better health and youth aspects.

How to Find Good Skincare Products for Men

It used to be that men were not all that concerned about the look or health of their skin. Mostly this was due to the promotion of skin care for women and that very few products were available for men. That is not the case now.

Here are some tips that will help men in their search for good anti-aging skin care products.

Skin care products that have been created for men are generally meant to improve the health of their skin and reduce aging effects. Skin aging in men usually takes longer to be seen than in women.

But the signs are just about the same. This means that finding anti-aging creams for men does not require the same process as finding the same for women.

Having some tips on how you can find such products will ease the search process.

The sun is very good for the skin as it helps in the production of vitamin D. However, excessive exposure to the sun might result in undesired effects.

Some of the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun include losing skin elasticity, dryness and increase in the possibility of having fine lines and wrinkles as well as skin cancer.

If you are a man who is exposed to the sun for the better part of the day, you need to look for an anti-aging cream for men that has sun protection properties. You can easily find out by looking at the ingredients in the cream you prefer or want to use. Even if it has no sun protection ingredient you can use one designed for that purpose in addition to your facial fluid for men. This is because many people prefer not to use a SPF ingredient.

There are many products in the market that have anti-aging effects and sun protection. This means that it might not be easy to select the right skin care product for your needs. The second tip, is looking for platforms that discuss anti-aging creams for men. Platforms like these include forums and blogs. From such platforms, you can get a lot of information that will help you make the right choice.

To begin with, you will have an idea of some of the leading anti-aging creams available for men. Make a point of noting the ones that receive the best reviews. For example, if a cream has more than 80 percent good reviews, you should consider it to be a good cream.

Make sure you read all the posts about the cream. Forums and blogs are a good source of information as they will not have biased opinions about any product. In fact, people who give their opinions in such platforms are consumers of the product they are reviewing. You will need to spend some time looking at various reviews from different platforms before you make up your mind.

Side effects of a product should also be part of your concern. Since most skin care products are required to pass a certain level of scrutiny from the relevant regulatory authorities, they are generally deemed to be safe with mild side effects. However, bear in mind that some of the side effects can only be seen with a combination of several factors. For example, the diet you take, your metabolism and allergies might be the cause of unknown side effects when you use a particular product.

It is prudent to make sure you can have some additional information before you choose any anti-aging cream for men product. Know your allergies so that you can easily know if you will react negatively to any ingredient in a product. In case you have any doubts, make sure you consult a skin care professional with your queries. Such an individual can be able to help you avoid any side effects you may have overlooked. At the same time, they may also give you advise on some of the best products in the market. Following such tips will ensure you get the best anti-aging cream for men.

Cold Sore Prevention

Cold sores (or fever blisters) are extremely common, affecting most people by the age of 20. Between 70 percent and 90 percent of all people in the United States have been exposed to and carry the virus.

Many infected people will not even notice a sore and some may never have another. However, some people will get them more often. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the appearance, and to accelerate their healing.

Common Prevention Steps

A number of steps can reduce the spread of the virus as well as the severity and number of attacks - the most important of which is hand-washing.

The first step in preventing fiver blisters is to avoid the transmission of the virus. While most people are infected in childhood, some steps can still prevent the spread of the virus. These include:

* Avoid kissing and direct skin contact with infected individuals especially while blisters are present. The secretions from the blisters contain the virus and can be spread easily by physical contact.

* Avoid sharing items such as utensils, towels, lip balm or lipstick. Coming into contact with such items may spread the virus.

* Do not poke or squeeze the blisters and generally avoid touching the lesions entirely. When applying medication, do so with a cotton swab or other approved applicator, not with your fingers.

* Wash your hands carefully and often.

* Avoid touching other parts of your own body, as you may spread the virus to other body parts such as your eyes and genital area. This can lead to serious complications.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors can trigger a cold sore outbreak. Avoiding or minimizing exposure to these factors can help reduce their appearance:

* Exposure to sunlight - Avoid the sun or use lip-balm which contains sunscreen to help reduce the chances of getting a cold sore.

* Stress is a common factor in causing cold sores to appear. Avoiding fatigue and stressful situations, getting enough rest, and generally leading a healthy lifestyle with a good diet can help reduce fever blisters.

* Physical injury or abrasion of the lips can also trigger the virus in some people. Avoid chapped lips by using lip balm or moisturizing creams. These may include aloe vera or other plant extracts. Lemon balm containing Melissa officinalis is recommended by some people who suffer from recurrent fever blisters.

People who suffer from recurrent cold sores often recommend other home remedies to help prevent or reduce the severity of eruptions. For example, dietary or nutritional supplements such as Siberian ginseng, flax seed oil, vitamin C and L-Lysine are sometimes recommended, though they remain scientifically unproven treatments for cold sores.