Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How To Lose Your Weight

One of the biggest issues that weight loss seekers face is that they simply cannot stick with a diet that continues to deprive them of their favorite foods for weeks and months on end. This invariably leads to failure in the long run, but is there anything we can do about it? Simply put - you can, yes! If you deprive yourself of all of the foods that you love you will not be in business for long. In fact, you may find it more difficult to lose weight consistently using this practice. However, there is an alternative, and I am going to quickly run you through it right now. Lets take a look. First off, lets quickly consider the hormone at the centre of all of this - leptin. Leptin is basically the overlord of fat loss hormones and, if you are looking to lose weight in a consistent way, it is crucial that you try to maintain a decent concentration of this hormone in your body. The concentration currently in your body will be affected by 2 major things: 1 - Your bodyfat levels 2 - The amount of calories you eat So if you are overweight and eat a lot, you'll have lots of leptin rushing around your system. The reason for this is because the body will want you to lose weight to maintain your health. Now, when you begin to lower your intake of calories (on a diet) you levels of leptin will drop. You will also be buring fat, meaning that your levels will drop even further. When your leptin levels drop like this, it will become harder and harder for you to keep on losing weight. So whats the answer? What we need to do is make sure we bring our leptin levels back up. Thankfully, this can be done fast - while it may take 6 or so days for your leptin levels to go down by about 50%, it only takes about half a day to a day for these levels to get back up again. The way in which we bring these levels back up will be music to the ears of any deprivation dieter! The solution is simply to eat. Lots! Indulge in your forbidden diet foods and you'll see your calorie levels, and leptin levels, spike. Do this for an entire day, over about 12 hours, and you will be able to benefit for the rest of the week by putting your body back into a fat burning zone, brough about by the re-appearance of the leptin. Not only will this give you a break from your diet but it will also keep you focused and motivated as well. So, you see, you don't have to worry about depriving yourself forver. All you need to do is be strict through the week, and then pick a day every so often where you will be able to 'cheat' your way to success. Brilliant!


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